Comarch ESEF User manual


Issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market in the European Union are required to prepare annual financial statements in a uniform European reporting format (ESEF) for the financial years starting from January 1, 2020.

Statements must be prepared in an electronic format that meets certain technical standards, i.e. a uniform electronic reporting format specification.

As required:

  • All annual statements are prepared by security issuers in XHTML format. These statements can be opened and reviewed via a standard web browser;
  • Consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS, which form part of the consolidated annual statements, are flagged with the use of XBRL tag-based language (Extensible Business Reporting Language);
  • XBRL tags should be added to an XHTML document with the use of the Inline XBRL standard specification. Its basic characteristic is an unequivocal identification of statement line items by referring each of them to a corresponding glossary called a taxonomy;
  • The language is based on XML and the related technologies, e.g. XLink; thus, it is not connected with any hardware or software platform;
  • A taxonomy to be used is an extension of the IFRS taxonomy developed by the IFRS Foundation;
  • From January 1, 2020, the basic sections of a financial statement (i.e. financial situation statement, profit or loss statement, total income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity) included in the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS are tagged in detail. Moreover, from January 1, 2022, additional information to a financial statement is tagged collectively.

What is Comarch ESEF?

Comarch ESEF is a web application for creating and viewing financial statements by security issuers from the UE regulated markets in XBRL/XHTML format. The application provides options for creating and composing financial statements in XHTML format, i.e. websites with embedded XBRL tags.

The process of preparing a financial statement can be divided into several stages:

  • Configuration: addition of a company, users and their permissions
  • Creation of a financial statement or import of a financial statement from a .docx file
  • Update and tagging of financial statement line items
  • Reviewing of financial statement and taxonomy

The process of validation and export of XHTML file will be added in subsequent program versions.


An administrator account will be assigned (and sent) as part of the specified organization unit to the contact person of the client who purchased the application and a number of assignable users will be specified. For safety reasons, it is not possible to register the client in the application.


Logon window

The logon window is presented in the figure below.

Logon window

Language selection

The application language is selected prior to logon. Comarch ESEF tool can be used in the following language versions:

  • Polish
  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian

Languages available in the drop-down list are presented in the figure below.

Language selection

The selected language affects further the system interface language upon logging on.

Login credentials

The application can be used either in demo version or by logging on to own organization.

As mentioned above, it is not possible to register individually to the program. A user with access rights has an account in Comarch Cloud SSO. When attempting to log on, such user will be redirected to Comarch Cloud SSO logon window.

Logging on via SSO

User name

The user name, access to the account settings and a link to the program help are presented in the upper right corner of the screen.

User name

Below the user name icon, there are options for changing account settings or logging out.

Account settings

Administrator account and granting permissions

The first user granted by Comarch is flagged as an administrator. This flag provides more possibilities of managing the parameters and data in the application. The administrator account provides the same possibilities as a regular account and allows the following:

  • addition and deletion of other application users;
  • granting permissions to individual users, allowing them to use specific reports;
  • deletion of financial statements.

Financial statement list

List of one entity’s statements

The list of statements can be accessed upon logging on. The window view varies depending on the user permissions. An administrator sees an additional administrator dashboard, apart from the window presenting the statement list.

  • Empty statement list of a regular user

User dashboard for empty statement list

  • List with added statements

List with added statements

  • Administrator dashboard

Administrator dashboard for user list

Statement list for several entities

Comarch ESEF application can be used by the entity preparing financial statements as a service for many entities holding different LEI numbers. In such case, the statement list has an additional column presenting the company for which a statement has been added. This additional column will be displayed if more than one company is added for the client.

Statement list of several entities

Adding a financial statement

In order to create a new financial statement, run the statement wizard by selecting the Add Statement button. This is a 4-step statement wizard.

  • Step 1 Basic information – company name, statement name, language version and statement country. These fields are mandatory.

Financial statement wizard. Step 1

Language selection field will also be presented in the XHTML file header.

The language is suggested by default as per the language version selected while running the program.

Country list is limited to the countries of the European Union. The country is set by default on the basis of the selected language.

At this stage, it is possible to change the language and country selected in the application, as they can be different for the statement being prepared than the language in which the application is running.

  • Step 2. Statement period

Financial statement wizard. Step 2

Adding a reporting period for which a statement is submitted.

Defining of balance-sheet date – this date is specified by using a calendar that is activated after clicking in the field with balance-sheet date. After the balance-sheet date is specified, the other dates are completed by default.

Current year – it is set by default to 12 months preceding the balance-sheet date. It is changeable.

Previous year – it is set automatically on the basis of the specified range of the current year.

Calendar window

Add Period in case it is necessary to add another reporting period, a new section ‘Modified Period’ will be added. The dates will be copied from the previous year as changeable. Unlike the previous sections, the modified period can be deleted.

Financial statement wizard – modified period

  • Step 3. Formatting and taxonomy

Financial statement wizard. Step 3

At this stage, it is necessary to select the formatting and a taxonomy that will be used while tagging the statement line items.

Currency – by default, it will depend on the country selected in step 1.

Rounding – by default, it is set to the nearest thousand.

Selected currency and rounding will be assigned by default to all numeric values in the statement. For example, setting the currency PLN and rounding to thousand will present figures rounded to the nearest thousand. These parameters can be changed for individual, indicated amounts in the statement tagging process.

Currently, there is only one taxonomy for a statement available, that is the applicable glossary of tagged data. It is the latest taxonomy applicable in 2020.

Statement Taxonomy – the applicable taxonomy (ESEF 2020)

  • Step 4 Statement file

The last stage of creating a new statement is selection of statement creation mode.

A statement can be created:

  • as a new document in the application. It is possible to create a custom statement from scratch in the tool;
  • by importing a previously prepared statement in .docx or .pdf format;

It is recommended to import a previous statement from a .docx file. This will save a lot of time as you will use an already prepared statement to create own one. Using the .docx format provides more edit possibilities than the import from a .pdf file.

Financial statement wizard. Step 4

A custom statement in .docx format must be selected by default. Selecting the Select File button opens a file selection window from the hard drive. Selectable files are limited to docx and pdf formats.

Docx file downloaded to the application

The statement file will be uploaded right upon its selection.

When importing a statement, the following options can be selected:

  • “Width of the HTML page adjusted to the document”. If selected, the statement retains its current layout and is not scaled to page width.
  • “Width of the HTML page adjusted to the screen”. This variant can be used to create a more responsive page. This solution may require additional edition of graphics and tables.

Creating a financial statement based on XHTML technology according to the ESMA requirements makes possible to create more interactive and legible statements than PDF. A statement can, for instance, be rescaled to the size of its previewed version, which makes it easier to read it on devices such as tablet or smartphone. However, this requires a lot of work at an earlier stage. The default page width limit makes it much easier to convert a DOC document into HTML and retain its current visual form.

This is the last step of statement creation. Selecting the Summary button opens a window presenting the completed stages of statement creation.

Summary of statement creation stages

In this window, you can go back to the previous wizard steps and change the selected parameters using the Edit or Change buttons. After going through all the steps, you can return to the summary window by selecting the active Summary button.

Save and Continue to Editor displays the financial statement in XHTML view, that is as an editable website.

Statement edition

Editor window

According to the ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) requirements, financial statements must be prepared in XHTML format, which is a more restrictive version of HTML language.

In case of selecting a .docx or .pdf file as the source of the financial statement, the file in the background will be converted to XHTML format.

In Comarch ESEF application, it is possible to edit a website in a way known from conventional text editors such as Microsoft Word. With the editor, it is possible to manipulate a text, e.g. by adding bolds or changing its color or orientation on the screen.

Statement edition window

Because financial statements are composed mainly of tables, more options to work with tables have been added. After selecting the table cells and clicking the right mouse button, it is possible to:

  • merge / unmerge cells
  • insert and delete rows
  • insert and delete columns
  • edit cell formatting, e.g. change their background
  • add and delete cell borders

Additional table edit options

HTML edition

Using the website view, data in financial statements can now be presented in ways that were not previously available, such as highlighting the table rows being viewed. Thanks to the option of editing the source HTML code, advances users can configure their financial statements comprehensively.

HTML editor

A relevant switch is available in the lower right corner of the screen.

Switching the screen edition to source code

Import of data from Excel sheet

Data in a financial statement may constantly be changing before the statement is published. To ensure that this data is updated automatically, it is now possible to import tabular data directly from Excel sheets.

Selecting data to be updated

After selecting cells in a table, they can next be merged to an Excel sheet with the relevant merge option. Cells are merged by selecting the option Select from Computer available under the Upload Data Source button.

Selecting data to be udpated 

Installation of auxiliary application

In order to create connection between an Excel file on disk and the server application, it is necessary to install an additional software Comarch ESEF Agent. It is responsible for creating and securing communication between the spreadsheet and the statement. This way the file does not need to be stored on the server. Only the data selected by the use are uploaded. The rest of the file is stored safely in the local resource.

If the application is not installed, a relevant notification to install it will be displayed:

Downloading Comarch ESEF Agent 

After selecting the option Download, Comarch-ESEF-Agent.msi wizard will be downloaded onto your hard disk. Open it and then proceed with the installation.

Comarch ESEF Agent wizard 

After the auxiliary application is installed, it will be possible to refer directly to Excel sheets.

Creating named cell ranges

Comarch ESEF application gets information only from named cell ranges in Excel. This is due to make working with the spreadsheet more flexible – such a table can be dragged (e.g. by adding rows) without affecting the correctness of the import.

In order to create a named cell range, select in a spreadsheet a fragment of a table and then go to Formulas / Defined Names / Define Name and type a name for the selected cells.

Defining a cell range name

After the spreadsheet is saved, the selected names are ready to use in Comarch ESEF application.

Selecting a data source

Selecting the option Create Data Source will open the Windows window asking to select an Excel file. The application will search the spreadsheet in terms of the defined cell range names and will display them on the screen.

Defined cell ranges from a selected file 

The system checks the conformity of the size of the selected cell range in Comarch ESEF and in the Excel file. In case the size does not match, a sequence [x] is added to the cell range name. Such name cannot be assigned to the selected cell range.

A relation is created upon selecting the Create button.

Updating values

In case the source data is changed, it is possible to update the data in Comarch ESEF. To do this, select any cell from the linked table and then the option Update Values under Data Sources.

Updating values 

If XBRL tags were already assigned to a cell, they will not be lost. Only the values listed in these tags are updated.

Breaking data source

If a link to a given spreadsheet is no longer needed, it can be discontinued by selecting the option Break available under the Data Sources button.

Tagging of financial statements

To be able to flag a financial statement with XBRL taxonomy tags, in the statement edition window, select the button: Go to XBRL Taxonomy to proceed to the next step.

The button is available in the upper action bar of the statement edition window.

Tagging button

Tagging a statement with XBRL taxonomy

The screen in which financial statement line items can be flagged with XBRL tags is composed of 3 sections:

  • section: XBRL Tags (on the left)
  • section with a financial statement – the proper tagging screen (in the middle)
  • section: Added Tags with listed tags assigned to the selected line item

Tagging statement line items window

XBRL tag list

Context-based tags

The context places an element of taxonomy in time and location; thus, it determines the company and period a given value (e.g. revenue from the provision of services) refers to.

  • Company

A company is identified with a unique Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) that can be verified, for instance, at this address A LEI number is provided during registration of an entity in the application. Information about LEI number is granted in the context-based tag automatically in the background – no user interference is required.

  • Time

Elements of a financial statement can be defined for a specified moment in time, e.g. cash and cash equivalents as at December 31, 2019. Other elements may refer to the values for the whole year, such as sales revenues obtained in 2020. Hence, normally there are 4 periods applied in the application. In case a financial statement is being prepared for 2019 and compared with data from 2018, its contexts will be the following:

Date range: current year – 2019

Date range: previous year – 2018

Current date – 2019-12-31

Previous date – 2018-12-31

Context-based tags

Adding a context while preparing a financial statement

Sometimes, when preparing a financial statement, it is necessary to add a new context, that is a period the reported information refers to. This may be due to the necessary transfer of the line item value at the beginning of a comparable period.

A new context can be added by selecting the Add button available on the context list in the tagging screen.

Button for adding a new context

After selecting the Add button, you may specify whether the new context refers to a balance-sheet date (e.g. in the case of the financial situation statement) or to the whole period (e.g. in the case of the cash flow statement).

Creating a new context

The newly created context will be displayed on the list of available contexts.


General information

  • The ESEF taxonomy is a glossary with terms delivered by the regulatory body ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority). Each financial term has a unique identifier assigned, which can be used to describe an economic event. This identifier is independent of the language in which a financial statement was prepared. This allows comparing the information from different companies operating on the continent without knowing the language in which a given financial statement was prepared. In order to make it easier to understand the tags, each of them has
    • a user-friendly name
    • detailed description of line items
    • reference to relevant legal documents (number and article of the relevant standard of the IFRS)
    • the numerical relationships between the taxonomy elements (e.g. total assets is a total of fixed assets and current assets), a so-called calculation
  • The regulations are applied in the European Union, therefore, the ESMA has provided translations of all the elements into local languages. All those translations are available in the program.
  • Another characteristic of the taxonomy is a relationship between its individual elements. Owing to the network of many interconnections, the taxonomy tree can be viewed in several different ways. The main connection networks are:
    • presentation layout – includes all terms available in the taxonomy
    • numerical layout – includes only the terms with a number assigned. The layout is also more consistent with the rules of numerical relationships between these elements.
  • To make it easier to browse this glossary, it has been divided into the roles that most often correspond to sections of the financial statement (they start with a series of digits). Each of these roles is additionally divided into sets that group the related elements. Grouped elements cannot usually be used to tag a financial statement, therefore, it is possible to drag these sections to the tagging screen.

Taxonomy list

A taxonomy list contains a valid glossary referring to financial statement types and the regulated information.

Taxonomy list

  • Taxonomy tree

A taxonomy list has a tree structure. Individual elements of the tree are expandable. The list line items can be expanded by clicking on the arrow symbol on the right.

Expanded taxonomy line items

  • Taxonomy layout and language

The language and layout of the list is changeable. They can be changed by using the options: Layout (figures, presentation data) and Language (EU languages) available below the list.

Changed layout of the taxonomy

The presentation data contains the entire taxonomy glossary that makes possible to tag text values as well as an additional classification of figures (so-called dimensions).

The numerical layout is a taxonomy version limited to figures. It is used to describe most of the line items in a financial statement.

Changed language of the taxonomy

  • Filtering of the list

The taxonomy line items on the tree are searched for with the use of the filter. Typing a text in the search field limits the list and searches for those elements whose names contain the typed texts.

Taxonomy filtering window

  • Description of line items

If the value of the taxonomy line item description is longer than the window size, the full description can be previewed after hovering the mouse cursor over the line items.

Tooltip with full description of a line item

If a documentation is attached to a given line item, then clicking on the line item activates the information See Description.

See Description option

Full description of a line item

Taggable data in a financial statement

A financial statement is presented in the middle section, where it is also possible to flag line items with XBRL tags. In the tagging mode, it is not possible to change amounts and edit texts (this can only be done back in the XHTML statement edition view).

Statement line item tagging screen

In the tagging mode, it is not possible to change amounts and edit texts. The purpose of statement manipulation with tags is highlighting specific sections of the financial statement in order to add tags.

Adding tags – tagging process

The tagging process itself consists of 3 actions:

  • Selection of financial statement line items

Line items are selected after clicking the left mouse key on the line item indicated by the mouse cursor. The entire line item is then bordered. It is also possible to select line items in a single batch with the “Shift” or “Ctrl” key. This makes the tagging process simpler/faster.

Selected statement line items to tag

  • Dragging of taxonomy terms into the highlighted area (“drag and drop” method)

Find a proper tag on the taxonomy tree and then drag it onto a statement with the left mouse button. If you drop the selected tag on the area with the taxonomy glossary, the tool will not tag the previously selected data in the statement (this prevents tagging of unintentionally selected taxonomy line items).

Dragging a taxonomy tag

  • Dragging of context onto the selected area, which places the concept in time.

In section with the context tags, use the left mouse key to drag the right context with which a line item of the financial statement will be tagged.

Dragging context

It is irrelevant whether you first select the taxonomy concept or context in the financial statement.

Tagged line item view

Tagged line items are tagged with a dot symbol.

  • Orange dot indicates incomplete tagging – either a taxonomy or context is missing

Incompletely tagged line item

  • Green dot indicates complete tagging

If both a context and a taxonomy are assigned to the statement line item, it means that tagging is complete, which is confirmed by the green dot symbol.

Completely tagged line item 

In case of tagging text values (blocktext), it is sufficient to tag a taxonomy line item for tagging to be complete (the status is green).

Added tags window

Added tags review

In section ‘Added Tags’ on the right, it is possible to review the tagging of a given line item. Content presented in this section depends on the content of the selected statement line items.

Lack of tags of selected line items 

The section with figures with no tagging was selected or the section with or without tagging was selected at the same time.

Section without tagging

Section with figures, which has a complete tag 

Section with figures, which has an incomplete tag 

Edition of added tags

In section on the right, it is also possible to edit the tagging settings by:

  • Deleting the entire taxonomy term or context with the X button.

Deleting a taxonomy tag will delete the numeric attributes: currencies and round figures.

  • In the case of numbers, it is also possible to edit a currency or a round figure by using the Edit button.

Editing tags 

Reporting of negative figures

A company can report negative values in a custom convention. For instance, costs in the profit and loss account are presented with minus sign, in brackets or even in red.

The ESMA recommends that values reported in XBRL tags be consistent with their balance-sheet side (debit/credit) so that they can be machine-processed. Costs, in this case, need to be reported as a positive value. A minus sign is necessary for reporting losses in equity.

However, the XHTML specification allows using the current convention; thus, there is no need to change the reporting layout. It is, however, necessary to indicate those amounts that are reported on a different side than expected. Such amounts are indicated with a dedicated parameter Negative value available in the XBRL tagging section.

Reporting of costs

As an illustration, a company has adopted a principle that all values reducing the financial result are shown in brackets.

Administrative expenses have been reported in this way. According to the ESMA taxonomy, the Administrative expenses tag reduces the result (it has a debit side). Thus, there is no need to include it in XBRL with minus sign. Therefore, the Negative value parameter should remain deselected.

Reporting the cost 

Reporting of loss

In the analyzed use case, financial transactions reported a loss.

Reporting the loss 

In the case of the Financial revenue (costs) tag, an expected value is revenue (credit side). The loss (debit side) means that it is necessary to use the Negative value parameter. As a consequence, the value with minus sign is added into the XBRL file.

Exporting a reporting package

When exporting a financial statement, it is necessary to export a statement in XHTML format along with its associated taxonomy. A taxonomy is a set of information about the used XBRL tags, including the extensions created by a reporting entity. All this information, that is a report and a taxonomy is called a reporting package.

Taxonomy wizard

A reporting entity should indicate the main statements of which his or her financial statement is composed as part of taxonomy description. In Comarch ESEF, these elements are selected during export. Selecting the Export button opens a wizard where a type of reported statements is specified.

Taxonomy wizard 

Selectable options are:

  • Financial situation statement
    • short-term/long-term or
    • by liquidity criterion
  • Total income statement, profit or loss according to
    • the function of expenses or
    • the nature of expenses
  • Cash flow statement
    • direct method or
    • indirect method
  • Optional statements
    • Total income statement (additional statement to the profit and loss account)
    • Statement of changes in net assets available for benefits

Based on the selected option, appropriate presentations and calculations of the reported figures are created.

Package content

A reporting package is created in the form of a ZIP file. It contains the main folder compatible with the company’s LEI code and the balance-sheet date of the report, e.g. 2594001MNJ3BH1UVVG70-2019-12-31.
The folder contains the following sub folders:

  • META-INF – provides the general information about a taxonomy
  • Reports – contains appropriate report files in the form of a regular XHTML page as well as in the form an XHTML page allowing for interactive report browsing (viewer file)
  • Entity’s website name, e.g. The files with the appropriate taxonomy can be found there in the additional sub folders.


The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) together with the taxonomy provide rules for the validation of data in a financial statement. Tests being carried out can be completed with errors or warnings. In case of a warning, ESMA recommends additional verification of the tags used, however, this is not a reason to consider the statement as incorrect. Perhaps most data will contain warnings, e.g. due to lack of additional disclosed information necessary for certain group of companies, but not referring to the reporting entity.

Data validation

The data are validated automatically while attempting to export the statement to the hard drive, that is upon selecting the Export button and specifying the elements of the created statement.

If any errors are found in the statement, they will be displayed on the screen.

Statement validation

The red color indicates errors and the orange color indicates warnings.

ESMA provides error details in English only; it does not translate them into individual languages. Error descriptions are currently being translated into all the languages supported by Comarch ESEF.

If presented warnings are acceptable, the statement must be exported to hard drive by selecting the Export button.

Error preview

In order to view errors and correct XBRL tags, you can use the default option Correct Errors. You will then be redirected to the tagging screen, where the erroneous tags will be marked with red or orange dot symbol, respectively. Selecting such a tag will present its details together with the error message.

Tagging error details 

Comarch ESEF Licenses


$1. Definitions

The Parties agree that the following terms whenever used in these License and Warranty Terms for the COMARCH ESEF Software shall have the following respective meaning:

COMARCH ESEF Software (the Software) – software the intended purpose of which is to generate financial statements in the format required by the ESEF (European Single Electronic Format) Regulation.

Standard Edition – an edition of the Software the functional scope of which is described in the Specification Document.

Functional Specification Document (the Specification Document) – the functional specification of one of the Software’s Standard Editions, available in the electronic form either at the Dedicated Customer Websites or at the address:

Comarch – Comarch S.A. with the registered office in Kraków, Aleja Jana Pawła II 39A, 31-864 Kraków, entered in the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, entry number 0000057567, Polish taxpayer identification number NIP 677-00-65-406. The Company’s initial share capital is PLN 8,133,349.00. The initial share capital is paid in full.

End Customer – a natural person who operates as a sole proprietorship, or a partnership or company entered in the National Court Register, that undertakes to comply with these Software License and Warranty Terms.

Virtual Key-Code – a unique serial number of the Software found on the Software certificate supplied to the End Customer.

Upgrade – a new version of the Software which offers a verification of and improvement on the former functionality by adding modifications or new functionality to the Software, or adapts the Software to any changes in the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of 17 December 2018 relating to the functionality described in the Specification Document. An Upgrade applies to the Standard Edition of the Software and does not cover the modifications or alterations of the Software made specially for the End Customer. Each Upgrade, being a new version of the Software, comes with its own Specification Document and is subject to separate License and Warranty Terms. The Customer may purchase an Upgrade either in the Basic or Premium version.

Partner – an entity which, under a contract concluded with Comarch, has the right to sell the Software. An up-to-date list of Comarch’s Partners is available at the website:

Order – an order form for the purchase of the Software or Upgrade submitted to Comarch or a Partner.

Dedicated Customer Websites – Comarch’s websites available exclusively to Comarch’s certain Customers, which may be accessed by providing one’s individual login credentials, namely an ID number and PIN, supplied to the End Customer together with the Software.

Price List – an up-to-date price list of the Software available at the Dedicated Customer Websites.

Related Entity – a related entity means an enterprise or a partnership or company whose relationship with the End Customer is the following:

  •  the same natural person operates as a sole proprietorship or conducts business in the form of a general partnership in which he or she holds at least 50% shares and simultaneously holds at least 50% shares in a commercial partnership or company;
  •  the End Customer holds more than 51% shares in another enterprise or partnership or company.

$2. General Provisions

  1. Both the Software and Upgrade, together with the enclosed Specification Documents, are subject to the copyright of Comarch, and the use of the Software or Upgrade does not infringe on any intellectual property rights of third parties, especially does not require any permission of a third party.
  2. Comarch holds the exclusive proprietary copyright to the Software, Upgrade and any modifications or extensions thereof delivered by Comarch.
  3. By placing an order or concluding a contract for the purchase of the Software, the End Customer accepts these License and Warranty Terms.
  4. The End Customer may purchase the Software or Upgrade in the version which is intended exclusively for managing their own enterprise.
  5. The End Customer is allowed to use the Software or Upgrade exclusively under these Software License Terms and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in an Order or a contract concluded between the End Customer and Comarch, if such a contract has been entered into.
  6. Comarch or a Partner shall deliver the Software or Upgrade, together with the Virtual Key-Code, to the End Customer by means of remote data transmission to the End Customer’s e-mail address provided in an Order or contract of sale.
  7. The name and logotype of the Software are subject to legal protection under applicable provisions of law. Without Comarch’s prior written consent, the End Customer is not authorised to record, reproduce or distribute the intangible assets referred to in the preceding sentence either in part or in whole by whatever means and in whatever form.
  8. Irrespective of any other provision set out in these Software License Terms, in the case of any damage or claim arising out of or relating to the Software or Upgrade, Comarch may not be held liable to an amount exceeding the fee paid by the End Customer for the version of the Software (Upgrade) which is in the possession of the End Customer at the time of damage. Comarch’s liability under implied warranty for defects and liability for lost benefits shall be precluded.
  9. Comarch shall not be held liable for special, incidental or consequential damage, loss of goodwill or business profits, work stoppage, loss of data, moral damage.
  10. Comarch warrants that the Software and Upgrade will function as described in the Specification Document; however, Comarch may not warrant that the End Customer’s actions involving the use the Software will result in compliance with the provisions of law, rules, regulations, or requirements and guidelines of any public administration body, or that the said actions will be consistent with or meet the requirements thereof.
  11. By using the Software, the End Customer consents to the storing, processing and use of its technical data by Comarch, including but not limited to the technical data of the End Customer’s hardware, Software, peripheral devices (especially IP, the key-code number, the Software’s version number and user statistics), which data are stored and processed solely in order to facilitate the delivery of Software updates or improvements or to provide support and services to the End Customer in relation to the Software covered by this right of use.
  1. Comarch undertakes to exercise its best efforts to prevent the piracy of the Software and Upgrade. In this respect, the Software and Upgrade may be fitted with a mechanism that detects any installation or use of illegal copies of the Software and Upgrade, may block access to the Software and Upgrade, or collect and transfer data relating to such illegal copies. By using the Software or Upgrade, the End Customer consents to the detection and collection of data and the transfer and use of the data if any illegal copy has been detected. In addition, Comarch reserves the right to use tools allowing it to block the Software or Upgrade, to manage licenses and/or the right to the license authorisation code in order to control access to the Software or Upgrade. Taking any action meant either to omit or disable any of the mechanisms is forbidden. Using the Software or Upgrade without a required blocking mechanism or an authorisation code provided by Comarch is forbidden.
  2. Comarch reserves the right to control, upon 15 days’ notice, the End Customer’s use of the Software or Upgrade. The End Customer obliges to cooperate with Comarch in relation to such control and provide Comarch, to a reasonable extent, with support and access to information. The control referred to above may not, without reason, interfere with the End Customer’s ordinary operations. The End Customer obliges to pay, within 30 days following written notice, any fees or charges arising out of the use of the Software or Upgrade that does not conform to the right of use granted to the End Customer and to pay contractual penalty equal to two times of the value of the used Software or Upgrade. If the End Customer fails to pay, Comarch may terminate the license terms for the Software or Upgrade. The End Customer confirms that Comarch shall not pay any costs borne by the End Customer relating to the cooperation in connection with such control.
  3. The list of the components used in the Software is included in the Specification Document.

$3. Authorised Scope of Use for the Software or Upgrade

  1. Comarch confers on the Customer the right to use the Software (a non-exclusive, paid license) worldwide for an unlimited period in the following manner:

1) The number of simultaneous users using the Software at any time may not exceed the declared number of named users specified in the Order or a contract for the sale of the Software;

2) The End Customer has the right to use the Software solely with the hardware, infrastructure and software the type of which is specified in the Specification Document. The Software and Upgrade may be used within a local network or through a terminal in accordance with the purchased version of the Software or Upgrade;

3) The End Customer has the right to use the Software installed on their own infrastructure or the infrastructure provided by Comarch located in the territory of the European Economic Area;

4) The Software may be used exclusively for its intended purpose, namely in the version of the Software chosen by the Customer as stated in section 2.4 above and in accordance with the instructions for using the Software provided in the Specification Document and the Price List.

  1. Except for the right to use the Software or Upgrade set out in paragraph 1 above, the End Customer is not granted any other rights related to unconditional subjective rights to the Software as an original work of authorship within the meaning of copyright law.
  1. In particular, the End Customer is not allowed to:

1) reproduce the Software or Upgrade permanently or temporarily either in part or in whole by whatever means and in whatever form without Comarch’s prior written consent;

2) translate, adapt, change the layout of, make any other changes or alterations in the Software or Upgrade except for the ones provided for in the Specification Document, or undertake or permit undertaking of any actions which aim at reconstructing or reproducing the source code of the Software or Upgrade (reverse engineering) or at the disassembly or decompilation of the Software or Upgrade;

3) use a back-up copy of the Software or Upgrade simultaneously with the Software or Upgrade;

4) lend, lease, sell or transfer the right to use the Software or Upgrade to third parties on any account, subject to the cases permitted by Comarch.

  1. If the End Customer breaches any term or condition of these License Terms, Comarch will request the End Customer in writing to cease the breach within 7 days after receipt of written notice specifying the breach. If the End Customer fails to comply with Comarch’s request, Comarch may terminate the End Customer’s right to use the Software and Upgrade (license) upon 14 days’ notice, and the End Customer shall pay Comarch contractual penalty equal to the value of the Software or Upgrade in the possession of the End Customer. The End Customer’s obligation to pay contractual penalty does not preclude Comarch from seeking damages exceeding the amount of the said contractual penalty on general terms.
  2. If Comarch terminates the End Customer’ right to use the Software or Upgrade on the terms set out in the paragraph above, the End Customer shall forthwith delete and destroy the used Software and Upgrade and any copies thereof, together with the Specification Documents supplied with them.
  3. Transfer of the right to use the Software or Upgrade is permitted on condition that the right is simultaneously transferred to and accepted by the new user, all copies of the Software and Upgrade together with the Specification Document are delivered to the new user, and Comarch’s consent for the transfer has been obtained. Comarch’s consent is contingent upon the new user paying an administration fee listed in a current Price List. As soon as the new user acquires the right to use the Software or Upgrade, the former End Customer will lose its right to use the Software or Upgrade.
  4. The Customer undertakes to:

1) instal the Software and Upgrade following the Specification Document and Comarch’s instructions;

2) make back-up copies of the Software;

3) enable a VPN connection in order to provide access to the Software for technical purposes and enable provision of the services arising out of or relating to warranty.

$4. Right to New Versions of the Software (Upgrade)

  1. The information on new versions of the Software (Upgrade) is available at the Dedicated Customer Websites and with Comarch’s authorised Partners.
  2. Comarch undertakes to release new versions of the Software (the ESEF Basic Upgrade), on account of the fee paid for the Software, throughout the period of the first 12 months from the date of the invoice for the Software issued by Comarch to the end of the month in which the invoice for the purchase of the Software was issued.
  1. After the expiry of the period stated in paragraph 2 above, the End Customer may purchase the ESEF Basic Upgrade for another period by placing an Order directly with Comarch or the Partner that provides services to the End Customer. An Order for the purchase of the Upgrade may be placed no earlier than on the first day of the month in which the period covered by the previous Order for an Upgrade expires.
  2. Except for the first period for which the End Customer is licensed to use the Upgrade on the terms set out in paragraph 2 above, each successive period for which the End Customer is licensed to use the Upgrade shall cover a period of 12 months that each time begins to run from the first day of the month after the expiry of the preceding license period for the ESEF Basic Upgrade.
  3. After the expiry of the period stated in paragraph 2 above, the fee for the ESEF Basic Upgrade is each time calculated based on a current Price List.
  4. The value of the Software which is the basis for calculating the price of the ESEF Basic Upgrade is equivalent to the price of the Software in the possession of the End Customer on the day on which the End Customer places an Order for the Upgrade, calculated based on Comarch’s current Price List effective on the day on which the Order for the Upgrade is placed, allowing for the number of the Software users.
  5. The End Customer may place an additional order for the purchase of the ESEF Premium Upgrade with Comarch or the Partner that provides services to the End Customer, provided that the End Customer has already purchased the ESEF Basic Upgrade.
  6. The ESEF Premium Upgrade includes telephone or e-mail support, which is provided under the ESEF Telephone and E-Mail Support Service Terms available at the website:

$5. Software Warranty

  1. Comarch grants to the End Customer a warranty for the Software (the Warranty) for the period stated in section 4.2 above.
  2. The warranty is granted one-off for the whole Software package. The purchase of additional user licenses for the Software during the warranty period does not extend the warranty period and the warranty expires for all users at one and the same time, namely after the warranty period referred to in paragraph 1 above has expired.
  3. The warranty for the Software is each time extended upon purchase of the ESEF Basic Upgrade for another period, provided that the End Customer uses a Software version that is not lower than one version backward.
  4. Under the Warranty, the End Customer is entitled exclusively to the services set forth in the Warranty Terms.
  5. Under the Warranty, Comarch is obligated to fix the Software Defects the reason for which lies in the Software in order to ensure that the Software works as described in the Specification Document.
  6. During the warranty period, the End Customer is obligated to forthwith report to Comarch every detected defect of the Software via the Service Request Management System (SOZ). A request entered in the System should identify the Software and the area of the Software and include a description of the request itself. Together with a legality certificate for the Software, the End Customer is granted a unique access code to SOZ. The End Customer is obligated to provide Comarch with any explanation necessary to analyse and remedy the reported defects in the Software and provide Comarch with remote access to the Software. The time for repair is suspended until Comarch obtains information from the End Customer that is necessary to further process the reported Defect.
  1. During the warranty period, the End Customer is obligated to instal all updates and new versions of the Software (Upgrade), otherwise the warranty period shall expire.
  2. Comarch is obligated to fix the Software’s defects that are reported before the expiry of the warranty period.
  3. A defect of the Software is the functioning of the Software that is not consistent with the Specification Document or produces documents which do not comply with mandatory provisions of law within the scope of the documented functionality of the Software.
  4. The Warranty does not extend to the following cases:

1) errors which are caused by any interference with the operation of the Software, defects arising out of inappropriate operation of other systems and the defects caused by inappropriate operation of the hardware and software framework, workstations or networks;

2) use of the Software that is not consistent with the Specification Document, the Software License Terms, its intended purpose or the Specification Document supplied to the End Customer or the malfunctioning of the Software being the result of the use of the Software by unauthorised persons or persons without appropriate knowledge or skills needed to use the Software, and especially due to unauthorised modifications of the Software’s source/binary code;

3) the End Customer has not ensured the parameters of the hardware and software framework that are necessary for the Software to function correctly.

  1. The Warranty does not apply to the following services: installation of updates (HR-Hot Refresh) or new versions of the Software (Upgrade), terminal connections, maintenance visits to remedy reported problems, the installation, migration or conversion of databases and printouts, adding modifications to the Software based on the End Customer’s individual needs, other unnamed services which involve additional work.
  2. Comarch’s liability under the Warranty may not exceed the fee paid by the End Customer for the version of the Software (Upgrade) in the possession of the End Customer at the time of damage. Comarch’s liability under implied warranty for defects and liability for lost benefits shall be precluded.


$1. Definitions

The Parties agree that the following terms whenever used in these License and Warranty Terms for the COMARCH ESEF Software shall have the following respective meaning:

COMARCH ESEF Software (the Software) – software the intended purpose of which is to generate financial statements in the format required by the ESEF (European Single Electronic Format) Regulation.

Functional Specification Document (the Specification Document) – the functional specification supplied with the Software.

Comarch – Comarch S.A. with the registered office in Kraków, Aleja Jana Pawła II 39A, 31-864 Kraków, entered in the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, entry number 0000057567, Polish taxpayer identification number NIP 677-00-65-406. The Company’s initial share capital is PLN 8,133,349.00. The share capital is paid in full.

End Customer – a natural person who operates as a sole proprietorship, or a partnership or company entered in the National Court Register.

Virtual Key-Code – a unique serial number of the Software found on the Software certificate supplied to the End Customer.

Partner – an entity which concluded a cooperation agreement with Comarch. An up-to-date list of Comarch Partners is available at the website:

Order – an order form for the purchase of the Software.

Dedicated Customer Websites – Comarch’s websites available exclusively to Comarch’s certain Customers, which may be accessed by providing one’s individual login credentials, namely an ID number and PIN, supplied to the End Customer together with the Software.

Price List – an up-to-date price list of the Software available at the Dedicated Customer Websites.

Related Entity – a related entity means an enterprise or a partnership or company whose relationship with the End Customer is the following:

  •  the same natural person operates as a sole proprietorship or conducts business in the form of a general partnership in which he or she holds at least 50% shares and simultaneously holds at least 50% shares in a commercial partnership or company;
  •  the End Customer holds more than 51% shares in another enterprise or partnership or company.

$2. General Provisions

  1. The Software, together with the enclosed Specification Document, is subject to the copyright of Comarch, and the use of the Software does not infringe on any intellectual property rights of third parties, especially does not require any permission of a third party.
  2. Comarch holds the exclusive proprietary copyright to the Software and any modifications or extensions thereof delivered by Comarch.
  3. By placing an order or concluding a contract for the purchase or use of the Software, the End Customer accepts these Software License Terms.
  4. The End Customer may purchase the Software in the version which is intended exclusively for managing their own enterprise or in a version for the Related Entities intended for managing their own enterprise and Related Entities.
  5. The End Customer is allowed to use the Software exclusively under these Software License Terms and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in an Order or a contract concluded between the End Customer and Comarch, if such a contract has been entered into.
  6. Comarch or a Partner shall deliver the Software, together with the Virtual Key-Code, to the End Customer by means of remote data transmission to the End Customer’s e-mail address provided in an Order or contract of sale.
  7. The name and logotype of the Software are subject to legal protection under applicable provisions of law. Without Comarch’s prior written consent, the End Customer is not authorised to record, reproduce or distribute the intangible assets referred to in the preceding sentence either in part or in whole by whatever means and in whatever form.
  8. The End Customer is allowed to grant a Partner with access to the Software in order to make it possible for the Partner to deliver any implementations, modifications or extensions of the Software, provided that the Partner is authorised to do so under a contract concluded with Comarch. Comarch shall not be held liable for any acts or omissions of a Comarch Partner.
  9. Irrespective of any other provisions set out in these Software License Terms, in the case of any damage or claim arising out of or relating to the Software, Comarch may not be held liable to an amount exceeding the fee paid by the End Customer for the version of the Software which is in the possession of the End Customer at the time of damage. Comarch’s liability under implied warranty for defects and liability for lost benefits shall be precluded.
  10. Comarch shall not be held liable for special, incidental or consequential damage, loss of goodwill or business profits, work stoppage, loss of data, moral damage.
  11. Comarch warrants that the Software will function as described in the Specification Document; however, Comarch may not warrant that the End Customer’s actions involving the use the Software will result in compliance with the provisions of law, rules, regulations, or requirements and guidelines of any public administration body, or that the said actions will be consistent with or meet the requirements thereof.
  12. By using the Software, the End Customer consents to the storing, processing and use of its technical data by Comarch, including but not limited to the technical data of the End Customer’s hardware, Software, peripheral devices (especially IP, a key-code number, a Software version number and user statistics), which data are stored and processed solely in order to facilitate the delivery of Software updates or improvements or to provide support and services to the End Customer in relation to the Software covered by this right of use.
  13. Comarch undertakes to exercise its best efforts to prevent the piracy of the Software. In this respect, the Software may be fitted with a mechanism that detects any installation or use of illegal copies of the Software, may block access to the Software and Upgrade, or collect and transfer data relating to such illegal copies. By using the Software, the End Customer consents to the detection and collection of data and the transfer and use of the data if any illegal copy has been detected. In addition, Comarch reserves the right to use tools allowing it to block the Software, to manage licenses and/or the right to the license authorisation code in order to control access to the Software. Taking any action meant either to omit or disable any of the mechanisms is forbidden. Using the Software without a required blocking mechanism or an authorisation code provided by Comarch is forbidden.
  14. Comarch reserves the right to control, upon 15 days’ notice, the End Customer’s use of the Software. The End Customer obliges to cooperate with Comarch in relation to such control and provide Comarch, to a reasonable extent, with support and access to information. The control referred to above may not, without reason, interfere with the End Customer’s ordinary operations. The End Customer obliges to pay, within 30 days following written notice, any fees or charges arising out of the use of the Software that does not conform to the right of use granted to the End Customer and to pay contractual penalty equal to two times of the value of the used Software. If the End Customer fails to pay, Comarch may terminate the Software License Terms. The End Customer confirms that Comarch shall not pay any costs borne by the End Customer relating to the cooperation in connection with such control.
  15. The list of the components used in the Software is included in the Specification Document.

$3. Authorised Scope of Use for the Software

  1. Comarch confers on the Customer the right to use the Software (a non-exclusive, paid license) worldwide for a limited period.
  2. The period for which that right is conferred shall be specified in an Order or a contract for the sale of the Software.
  3. After the expiry of the first and each successive Software license period, the right to use the Software shall be automatically, i.e. without any action to be taken by either Party, prolonged for another period, unless the End Customer has terminated the use of the Software.
  4. The End Customer may terminate the use of the Software before the expiry of the Software license period, the notice period being 30 days before the end of the annual license period for the Software.
  5. The invoices for the Software with 14-day payment terms shall be issued each time on the first day of the Software license period.
  6. On account of the fee paid for the Software, Comarch shall grant the End Customer with access to new versions of the Software together with its new functionalities and provide telephone and e-mail support under the support service terms available at the address:
  7. The number of simultaneous users using the Software at any time may not exceed the declared number of named users specified in the Order or a contract for the sale of the Software.
  8. The End Customer has the right to use the Software solely with the hardware, infrastructure and software the type of which is specified in the Specification Document.
  9. The End Customer has the right to use the Software installed on their own infrastructure or the infrastructure provided by Comarch located in the territory of the European Economic Area.
  10. The Software may be used exclusively for its intended purpose, namely in the version of the Software chosen by the Customer as stated in section 2.4 above and in accordance with the instructions for using the Software provided in the Specification Document and the Price List.
  11. Except for the right to use the Software set out in paragraph 1 above, the End Customer is not granted any other rights related to unconditional subjective rights to the Software as an original work of authorship within the meaning of copyright law.
  12. In particular, the End Customer is not allowed to:

1) reproduce the Software permanently or temporarily either in part or in whole by whatever means and in whatever form without Comarch’s prior written consent;

2) translate, adapt, change the layout of, make any other changes or alterations in the Software except for the ones provided for in the Specification Document, or undertake or permit undertaking of any actions which aim at reconstructing or reproducing the source code of the Software (reverse engineering) or at the disassembly or decompilation of the Software;

3) use a back-up copy of the Software simultaneously with the Software;

4) lend, lease, sell or transfer the right to use the Software to third parties on any account, subject to the cases permitted by Comarch.

  1. If the End Customer breaches any term or condition of these Software License Terms, Comarch will request the End Customer in writing to cease the breach within 7 days after receipt of written notice specifying the breach. If the End Customer fails to comply with Comarch’s request, Comarch may terminate the End Customer’s right to use the Software (license) upon 14 days’ notice, and the End Customer shall pay Comarch contractual penalty equal to the value of the Software in the possession of the End Customer. The End Customer’s obligation to pay contractual penalty does not preclude Comarch from seeking damages exceeding the amount of the said contractual penalty on general terms.
  2. If Comarch terminates the End Customer’ right to use the Software on the terms set out in the paragraph above, the End Customer undertakes to forthwith delete and destroy the used Software and any copies thereof, together with the Specification Documents supplied with them.
  3. Transfer of the right to use the Software is permitted on condition that the right is simultaneously transferred to and accepted by the new user, all copies of the Software together with the Specification Document are delivered to the new user, and Comarch’s consent for the transfer has been obtained. Comarch’s consent is contingent upon the new user paying an administration fee listed in a current Price List. As soon as the new user acquires the right to use the Software, the former End Customer will lose its right to use the Software.
  4. The Customer undertakes to:

1) instal the Software following the Specification Document and Comarch’s instructions;

2) make back-up copies of the Software;

3) enable a VPN connection in order to provide access to the Software for technical purposes and enable provision of the services arising out of or relating to the License Terms.

$4. Final Provisions

  1. Comarch grants to the End Customer a warranty for the Software (the Warranty) for the period stated in section 3.2 above.
  2. The Warranty is granted one-off for the whole Software package. The purchase of additional user licenses for the Software during the warranty period does not extend the warranty period and the warranty expires for all users at one and the same time, namely after the warranty period referred to in paragraph 1 above has expired.
  3. Under the Warranty, the End Customer is entitled exclusively to the services set forth in the Warranty Terms.
  4. Under the Warranty, Comarch is obligated to fix the Software Defects the reason for which lies in the Software, in order to ensure that the Software works as described in the Specification Document.
  5. During the warranty period, the End Customer is obligated to forthwith report to Comarch every detected defect of the Software via the Service Request Management System (SOZ). A request entered in the System should identify the Software and the area of the Software and include a description of the request itself. Together with a legality certificate for the Software, the End Customer is granted a unique access code to SOZ. The End Customer is obligated to provide Comarch with any explanation necessary to analyse and remedy the reported defects in the Software and provide Comarch with remote access to the Software. The time for repair is suspended until Comarch obtains information from the End Customer that is necessary to further process the reported Defect.
  6. Comarch is obligated to fix the Software’s defects that are reported before the expiry of the warranty period.
  7. A defect of the Software is the functioning of the Software that is not consistent with the Specification Document or produces documents which do not comply with mandatory provisions of law within the scope of the documented functionality of the Software.
  8. The Warranty does not extend to the following cases:

1) errors which are caused by any interference with the operation of the Software, defects arising out of inappropriate operation of other systems as well as defects caused by inappropriate operation of the hardware and software framework, workstations or networks;

2) use of the Software that is not consistent with the Specification Document, the Software License Terms, its intended purpose or the Specification Document supplied to the End Customer or the malfunctioning of the Software being the result of the use of the Software by unauthorised persons or persons without appropriate knowledge or skills needed to use the Software, and especially due to unauthorised modifications of the Software’s source/binary code;

3) the End Customer has not ensured the parameters of the hardware and software framework that are necessary for the Software to function correctly.

  1. The Warranty does not apply to the following services: installation of updates (HR-Hot Refresh) or new versions of the Software, terminal connections, maintenance visits in order to remedy reported problems, the installation, migration or conversion of databases and printouts, adding modifications to the Software based on the End Customer’s individual needs, other unnamed services which involve additional work.
  2. Comarch’s liability under the Warranty may not exceed the fee paid by the End Customer for the version of the Software in the possession of the End Customer at the time of damage. Comarch’s liability under implied warranty for defects and liability for lost benefits shall be precluded.

Licenses for third-party components









License type: MIT


Supplier’s website:


License type: MIT


Supplier’s website:


License type: Apache 2.0

Notes: Arelle is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Supplier’s website: