Filters and sorting


Text filter

On object lists (e.g. on the item list), the upper part of the window contains a text filter, enabling the user to search a specific object.

Text filter field on the list of trade documents

The text filter’s search:

  • Ignores capitalization
  • Presents results containing a phrase entered
The operator enters the phrase se bl on the item list. The search result will present, among others, the following items:

  • Blouse blue size 40
  • Blouse black size 38

Next, the operator erases the entered phrase and enters another one – leath. The search result will present, among others, the following items:

  • Brown leather shoes 36
  • Leather belt
  • Men’s leather suitcase

Search results based on a phrase entered in the text filter


Below the text filter, there are drop-down filters enabling the user to search objects (e.g. to search a document by its date of issue).

Filters on the list of trade documents

Selecting a given filter displays its value window. Choosing a specific value will narrow down the list of objects being searched.

Values of Status filter on the list of trade documents

Clearing selected filter values is possible after clicking on the “x” button located:

  • On a given filter tile – it clears the filter
  • On the right-hand side of all the filters – it clears all filters
Clearing filters
At an XYZ shoe store, a customer asks the cashier about the availability of other models of black ankle shoes from a winter collection, size 5. On the item list, the user narrows the search down with the filters: Type set as Merchandise, Collection (attribute) set as Winter, Shoe size (attribute) set as 5, Color (attribute) set as Black, and Sort (attribute) set as Ankle shoes.

Selected filter values for black ankle shoes

Next, the user sorts the list by the column Quantity. As a result, the item list displayed to the user is narrowed down and sorted in a descending order by the Quantity column.

The visibility of filters on lists is described in a separate article.

In the case where there is a large number of filters, the filter list is collapsed by default. To expand the full list of filters, it is necessary to select the arrow button located on the right-hand side.

Collapsing/expanding the filter list


Object lists may be sorted by visible columns of a given list.

Sorting by Created On column on the list of trade documents

In order to sort a list by a column, select the column’s header. By default, lists are sorted in an ascending order, as indicated by the up arrow. Clicking the column’s header again sorts the column in a descending order (down arrow).

Lists can only be sorted by a single column.

An XYZ bookstore has both brick-and-mortar stores and an e-shop. Customers can collect items ordered online at a brick-and-mortar store they choose, not having to pay for shipment. Every working day, before opening a given store, the store’s workers prepare ordered packages on a rack behind the counter, sorting them by the expected date: last 7 days. Packages with other expected dates remain stored in the warehouse.

The application’s operator narrows down the list of sales orders, selecting Type: Sales Order and Expected Date: 16.03.2020 – 22.03.2020. Next, to arrange packages on the rack in a more ergonomic way, the operator sorts the list in a descending order by the column Expected Date.

Selecting values for filters Expected Date and Type on the list of sales orders and quotes

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