Item movement order

In order to release a delivery ordered by the headquarters, it is necessary to select the button [P] on the list of warehouse documents.

[P] button
The list of unconfirmed documents (parking) presents WM- documents which have been:

  • Issued in the ERP system, with the option Process in POS selected
  • Saved on a given POS workstation
List of unconfirmed warehouse documents

The list of unconfirmed warehouse documents contains the following buttons:

  • [Continue] – it enables the user to edit a document issued in the ERP system or on another POS workstation (delivery release)
  • [Delete] – it deletes a document issued on a given POS workstation

The delivery release process can be handled for WM- documents which:

  • Have the status Unconfirmed
  • Have been created in the ERP system (with the option Process in POS selected) or on a POS workstation within the same center
  • Have the target warehouse specified as a warehouse available for WM-/WM+ documents within a center to which the POS workstation is assigned

The handling of the delivery release window is analogous to the handling of a delivery receipt window.

Delivery release form

In a release document:

  • It is possible to add only those items which are included as document items. Upon an attempt to add another item, the application displays the notification: “The selected item is missing in the document. Item [item name] will not be added to WM-“.
  • It is not possible to enter an item quantity to be released which is greater than one specified in a relevant WM- document

A release document created in the ERP system contains the field Source Number which displays the original document number (from the ERP system). Owing to that, regardless of the renumbering of the WM- upon its confirmation (according to the numbering scheme of the POS workstation), it is still possible to retrace the association between such documents.

If an entered item has been released with a quantity consistent with a value in the column Quantity from Document, a relevant document item is marked in green. Otherwise, it is marked in red (in the column Released Quantity).

The window of a document being edited contains the following buttons:

  • [Park] – it resaves the document as unconfirmed for its further processing on another POS workstation or later on
  • [Confirm] – it confirms the document, which generates a receiving and delivery report (RDR) and a confirmed WM+ document
  • [Print]
The headquarters has ordered 4 pieces of an item. To handle the order, a WM- document is created in the ERP system, with the source warehouse specified as the local warehouse of an XYZ store. The document is assigned the parameter Process in POS and saved. On the POS workstation (belonging to the XYZ store), an employee once a day checks the list of unconfirmed warehouse documents. Seeing a document from the headquarters, the operator selects it and clicks [Continue]. According to the document’s description, the operator needs to send a relevant item the same day. After preparing the delivery, the operator fills in the column Released Quantity of the WM- document with the value 4. Next, the operator selects the button [Confirm].

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