Customer list

Selecting the tile [Customers] available in the main application window and in the sidebar menu displays the list of active customers:

  • Defined in the application
  • Defined in the ERP system
  • Shared with the POS workstation in the ERP system

[Customers] tile
The application only synchronizes entities with the option Customer selected in the ERP system.

Customer list

The list presents the following columns:

  • Icon representing customer type (retail customer or business entity)
  • Name
  • TIN
  • Country
  • Zip code
  • City
  • Street

Hidden by default:

  • Code
  • EIN
  • E-mail
  • Identity document
  • Phone
  • Columns corresponding to attributes assigned to Customer objects

The text filter field makes it possible to search/narrow down customers displayed on the list on the basis of default columns:

  • Customer name
  • TIN
  • Town from a customer’s default address
  • Zip code from a default address
  • Country – for the filter’s option All, the Country column on the customer list must be visible
  • Attribute values – for the filter’s option All
  • Customer group classification categories
Text filter with the option All on the customer list

It is possible to select a specific column by which searching is to be done. To do so, it is necessary to select the field with the default setting All. Selecting the field opens a window where the user can choose relevant columns.

The field’s default value may be set in the customer list’s layout management window.
Search criteria window

Below the text filter, there are drop-down filters allowing the user to search customers on the basis of attributes, a customer type, country, or customer group classification category.

On the list, it is possible to:

Czy ten artykuł był pomocny?