Warehouse document list

On the POS workstation, it is possible to handle warehouse movements (WM-). The application enables the following actions:

  • Taking receipt of a delivery – it allows receiving resources from another warehouse
  • Releasing items – it allows creating WM- documents for movements between the headquarters’ warehouse and subsidiary warehouses

In order to receive and release items, the user needs to have relevant permissions granted in the ERP system:

  • To the modification of warehouse movement documents
  • In the case of delivery receipts, to the creation of receiving and delivery reports

[Warehouse Documents] tile
To open the list of warehouse documents, it is necessary to select the tile [Warehouse Documents] in the main menu.

Warehouse document list

The upper part of the window contains the text filter field and the drop-down filters:

  • Document Status – it includes the following categories:
    • Received – it refers to confirmed documents associated with a confirmed WM+ document, issued for a target warehouse assigned to a center to which a given POS workstation belongs
    • Released – it refers to confirmed documents with no associated documents, issued for a source warehouse assigned to a center to which a given POS workstation belongs
    • To Receive – it refers to confirmed documents with no associated documents or associated with unconfirmed or canceled documents, issued for a target warehouse assigned to a center to which a given POS workstation belongs
    • To Release – it refers to unconfirmed documents with no associated documents, issued for a source warehouse assigned to a center to which a given POS workstation belongs
  • Type
  • Date
  • Status
  • Source Warehouse
  • Target Warehouse

Depending on the setting of the parameter Method of Searching For Documents available in the configuration of the POS workstation in the ERP system, documents can be searched:

  • Locally in the POS workstation’s database
  • Both locally and in the ERP system

The list presents the following columns:

  • Unnamed – it displays appropriate icons:
    • [] (down arrow) – it is used to indicate confirmed WM- documents processing delivery receipts
    • [V] (confirmation symbol) – it is used to indicate correctly generated receiving and delivery reports
    • [!] (exclamation mark) – it is used to indicate receiving and delivery reports related to discrepancies between system WM- documents and received deliveries
If the operator has insufficient permissions to read WM- documents, the confirmation symbol and exclamation mark will not be presented.
  • Number
  • Status – available values include Canceled, Confirmed, Unconfirmed
  • Source Warehouse
  • Target Warehouse
  • Date of Issue
  • Associated Documents – the numbers of documents associated with a given document on the list. For instance, a row presenting a WM- document may present the numbers of a receiving and delivery report and of a WM+ document generated from the WM-.
  • Handled By (hidden by default)

On the list of warehouse documents, it is possible to:

  • Add a new WM- document with the use of the button [Add]
  • Display the preview of a WM-/RDR document
  • Take receipt of a delivery with the use of the button [Take Receipt]
  • Open the list of unconfirmed WM- documents with the use of the button [P]
  • Cancel a receiving and delivery report with the use of the button [Cancel]

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